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Computer Science Projects For College Students

   Computer science projects for college students ensure various programming language related projects such as java, .net, oracle, php, large number of real time projects. We offer grid computing, parallel computing, network based projects and image processing projects are supported. We develop computer science projects for college students suitable for B.E/M.E, B.Tech/M.Tech, and Bsc/Msc, M.Phil in computer science we choose computer science project title from Springer paper by student. Recently android based computer science projects get more attraction from college students. We develop android app development, monitor, and control system by smart phones; voice communication and security system are some of projects developed by our project team.



Android app development:

  While watching videos or movies in android phones it loses its battery power. We convert all original file  into multiple frames by frame conversion methods. After that we remove high intensity pixel value in each frame & compose qualified video frame by RGB color which is suitable to all nodes. By this method we can enhance video file brightness and power utilization factor. By this process we can reduce power consumption in android phones. We develop android application by project team to give a message of school bus arrival time, railway application and gamming application.

Monitoring and controlling system in android phones:

  We support computer engineering student to adopt micro processor & controller devices to monitor & control house hold appliances, industrial equipments and security purpose. We develop most security devices doing alarm service when intruders are entering into house or any secure place which in turn create possibility to alert criminals. We introduce soundless security device with android phone application we place security device in particular location when there is any unwanted movements takes place then security device send a message to owner and police control room. The message may be text or image capture by security device which is easy to identify criminals by police. Based on this technology, we developed more than 105+ projects such as wirelessly shutdown student computer in education institution, remotely access television, computer and other house hold device, switch off motor at time of overflow and more.Computer Science Projects For College Students

Voice communication:

  Our project developed implement voice to text conversion and text to voice conversion application in android phone for blind people. We adopt voice communication to access or instruct any electrical device. We implement voice recognition & analyzation technology in android phone to process voice communication. We develop android based GPS voice communication to track geographical locations.


Computer Science Projects For College Students

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