Electrical Engineering Projects
Electrical Engineering projects develop simulation and hardware based. We guide the students as their own interest. Matlab simulink mainly used to simulate the power electronics concepts. All kind of the inverter and converter we use our projects for both hardware and simulation. We guide m.tech electrical students projects & b.tech electrical students projects.

electrical engineering projects
B.tech students mainly want to learn any own as their own interest like hardware or simulation. M.tech students want to do 2 kind of the projects, because they do their projects in 1 academic year so in first phase they required simulation about using matlab coding, In 2nd phase they required hardware outputs.

electrical projects
Electrical Engineering Projects:
- Single Active Switch Power Electronics for Kilowatt Scale Capacitive Power Transfer
- A series-LC-filtered active damper for ac power electronics based power systems
- A new Hybrid power electronics on-load tap changer for power transformer
- Mission Profile-Based Reliability Design and Real-Time Life Consumption Estimation in Power Electronics
- Piezoelectric Actuators With Integrated High-Voltage Power Electronics
- Code development of a DSP-FPGA based control platform for power electronics applications
- A Series-LC-Filtered Active Damper With Grid Disturbance Rejection for AC Power-Electronics-Based Power Systems Electrical Engineering Projects
- Power Electronics Control of an Energy Regenerative Mechatronic Damper
- Integration of Inductively Coupled Power Transfer and Hybrid Energy Storage System: A Multiport Power Electronics Interface for Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles
- Lifetime estimation of power electronics modules considering the target application
- Computationally Efficient, Real-Time, and Embeddable Prognostic Techniques for Power Electronics
- Optimized Power Semiconductors for the Power Electronics Based HVDC Breaker Application
- Study and Handling Methods of Power IGBT Module Failures in Power Electronic Converter Systems
- Teaching Power Electronics with a Design-Oriented, Project-Based Learning Method at the Technical University of Denmark Electrical Engineering Projects
- Modeling and Control of a Multiport Power Electronic Transformer (PET) for Electric Traction Applications
- Harmonic Analysis of Grid Connected Power Electronic Systems in Low Voltage Distribution Networks
- Modern Diagnostics Techniques for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, and Drives
- Analysis of DC–DC power supply systems for pulsed loads from green electronics perspective
- A Parallel Approach to Real-Time Simulation of Power Electronics Systems
- A Modular Multiport Power Electronic Transformer With Integrated Split Battery Energy Storage for Versatile Ultrafast EV Charging Stations Electrical Engineering Projects
- Silicon carbide power electronics for electric vehicles Electrical Engineering Projects
- Design Tools for Rapid, Multi-Domain Virtual Prototyping of Power Electronic Systems
- Electrothermal Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Concepts for Power Electronics
- Application of Power Electronics LV Power Regulators in a Utility Distribution System
- Development of High Power, High Frequency Magnetics for the Future Power Electronics Applications