Master Thesis Natural Language Processing Projects
Master Thesis Natural Language Processing Projects is a fresh beginning for students and research scholars. Our research group has continued to grow with in increasing number of technical experts and developing a wide range of projects covering most areas of Natural Language Processing. We provide enormous support during project development like project training, workshops and seminars.
Natural language processing is an interesting new branch of data mining where data processing process have shown, where training and testing data is pairs of sentences are handled in one model.
There are number of topics that our experts are currently working on Natural Language Processing. For example, here we listed some most relevant topics considered in thesis writing:
- Text summarization
- Word-level semantics
- Syntax and parsing, tagging and chunking
- Argument mining and sentiment analysis
- Social media networks
- Textual interference and other areas of semantics
- Sentences evaluation
- Morphology, phonology and word segmentation
- Multidisciplinary and multilinguality
- Machine learning and machine translation
- Dialogue and interactive systems
Now, our team members conduct research on integrating knowledge from heterogeneous web sources ranging from large raw text collections like Wikipedia and knowledge bases (Frrbase, DBPedoa, etc.). For more information, contact us.
- A Novel NLP Scheme for Cohesive and High Quality Tropical Phrase Mining
- A New Way of Finding Expert Authors using Deep Learning Methods in Financial Forum
- General Purpose End-User Development using Semantic Approaches [Master Thesis Natural Language Processing Projects]
- Enhancement of Student Surveys with Natural Language Processing
- Language Modelling with Contexts for Source Code using Deep Neural Networks
- A Novel Approach for Constructing an Efficient System of Portuguese Bilingual Corpus using Web Crawlers
- A Comprehensive Study of using Neural Networks, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines for Napali News Classification
- On the Design of Knowledge Extraction from Unstructured Documents [Master Thesis Natural Language Processing Projects]
- Social Network Rating Systems for Opportunities and Challenges in Analytic-Predictive Environments of Natural Language Processing and Big Data
- Multi-Feature Fusion for Tibetan Microblogs of Advanced Sentiment Classification on Smart Campuses