How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers

How to Enhance Cloud Architectures to Enable Cross-Federation: Towards Interoperable Storage Providers Small/medium cloud storage providers can hardly compete with the biggest cloud players such as Google, Amazon, Dropbox, etc. As a consequence, the cloud storage market depends on such mega-providers and each small/medium provider cannot face alone the challenge of Big Data storage. A possible solution consists in establishing stronger partnerships among small-medium providers where they can borrow/lend resources each other, according to the rules of the federated cloud ecosystem they belong to. According to such an approach, the challenge consists in creating federated cloud ecosystems able to compete with mega-provides and one of the major problems for the achievement of such an ecosystem is the management of inter-domain communications. In this paper, we propose an architecture addressing such an issue. In particular, we present and test a solution integrating the CLEVER Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) with the Hadoop Distribute File System (HDFS), i.e., one of the major massive storage solutions currently available on the market.