New possibilities for adaptive online learning in engineering education

New possibilities for adaptive online learning in engineering education Web mining aims to discover useful information or knowledge from the web hyperlink structure, page content and usage log. The “user-centered” philosophy of this tool is in perfect harmony with the concepts of modern marketing, ergonomics, and learning management. This new approach, as opposed to the traditional “page-centered” philosophy, puts the users’ goals and intentions to the centre, and designs the services of the system accordingly. About 60 learners of technical teacher training took part simultaneously in processing the Educational technology and multimedia course, all their activities performed in Moodle learning environment were registered in a log file by the server. The processing of this log file was performed by the SPSS Web Mining for Clementine program. Here we are going to present the first results exposed by quality assurance in connection with the students’ learning activity, the structure of the syllabus as well as the navigational opportunities. By analysis of student behavior we receive some beneficial information for course development and learning management which are applied in design of adaptive online learning in engineering education.