Real-time guaranteed TDD protocol processing for centralized super base station architecture

Real-time guaranteed TDD protocol processing for centralized super base station architecture The centralized radio access cellular network architecture with Super BS (CSBS) has been proposed to reduce high construction cost and energy consumption. In CSBS, the computing resource is centralized and can be flexibly allocated to different virtual BSs (VBS). In the general purpose platforms, the protocol processing of multiple VBS can be carried out in a single processor due to its high processing capability. However, using this organization, it is difficult to guarantee the real-time protocolprocessing in TDD systems. This paper firstly analyzes the requirement of real-time processing of TDDprotocols. Then, a real-time guaranteed TDD protocol processing mechanism, dynamic adaptive organization mechanism (DAOM), is proposed, whose main idea is to carry out downlink protocolprocessing consecutively. Simulation results show that DAOM can guarantee the real-time protocolprocessing and keep a high computing resource efficiency at the same time.